Grantmaking: Since 2012, the Agroecology Fund has awarded $33 million to collaborating organizations in 96 countries.
Grantmaking Program
Awarding grants is the core activity of the Agroecology Fund and more than 80% of our incoming resources go toward our grant program.
Unlike conventional multi-donor funds in which donors retain control of fund allocation decisions, the Agroecology Fund created a participatory process that cedes funding recommendations to those who are closest to frontline change networks.
Grounded by principles of trust-based philanthropy, we develop deep connections with social movements that can apply the Agroecology Fund’s resources towards transformational change.
The grassroots networks and organizations we support respond quickly to crises – engaging in solidarity actions during climate shocks and public health emergencies, just as they collaborate to strengthen resilience from the ground up in the long term.
Through our funding program, we are helping to scale these innovations up and out – particularly across the Global South.

Key Features of our Grant Program
Global Scope
A global scope of grantmaking allows the fund to accommodate funder geographic preferences while recognizing that agroecology movements need support everywhere, and to connect collaboratives across different contexts, maximizing collective learning.
Collaborative Support
Our theory of change is rooted in the observation that collaboratives coordinate action to scale agroecology, and in the process, strengthen the dynamism, depth and reach of agroecology movements. Therefore, our grantmaking centers collaboratives rather than individual organizations.
No open calls
Operating with a very slim structure to ensure a majority of funds raised go to our grantmaking we are not able to offer open calls for proposals. Instead, Agroecology Fund Advisors, Funders and Long-term Partners nominate potential grantees.
Grant Size
The main grant program awards grants between US$50,000 (12-18 months to implement) and US$150,000 (18-24 months to implement). We also offer small grants through special calls (e.g., Covid 19 Emergency Response – grant size $10 to 20k) or as extra support to grantees for specific activities as funds allow.
Diversity as a guiding principle
In line with the agroecological approach, diversity is the guiding principle of our grantmaking process. Acknowledging the diversity of priorities and entry points to advancing agroecology and catalyzing agroecological transitions in varied territories, Agroecology Fund seeks to find a middle ground between identifying extremely narrow focus areas for each grantmaking round and being overly general.
Funders share insights on grant recommendations
As a pooled fund initiative, one of the main innovations of Agroecology Fund is its governance system. While funders have a say, our grantmaking process relies heavily on the leadership of the Advisory Board. Advisors nominate (with donors and long term partners) potential grantees, review proposals, and recommend a final docket which is reconciled in the multi-stakeholder Executive Committee.
No guarantee of grant renewal
While aware of the importance of long-term funding, it is not possible to make renewal commitments since most of our funders make annual contributions. Our budget is set annually and depends on the success of fundraising. With the establishment of some multi-year funders, in 2020, we affirmed renewal commitments with four grantees that we established as “long-term partners” (LTPs).
Our Priority Areas
We award annual grants globally to collaboratives that advance agroecology within diverse dimensions: Practice; Science; and Movement-Building. Our grantmaking seeks impact along the following priority areas:

Food Sovereignty & Food Nutritional Security
Achieve zero hunger through defending the right and access to food and the culturally appropriate production, consumption of nutritious foods
Rights to Land, Territory and Natural Resources
Uphold and protect Indigenous and community rights to territories that strengthen community-led resource stewardship

Climate Resilience and Biodiversity Conservation
Preserve biodiversity and water; sustain soils health and their carbon-sequestering capacity; and regenerate climate-resilient food systems
Gender Equity
Advance women’s rights and leadership

Economic Inclusion and Equity
Support dignified livelihoods and social enterprises that reduce inequalities and contribute to robust local economies
Indigenous, Traditional & Local
Promote Indigenous, traditional and local knowledge, participatory action research, knowledge co-creation, and cultural and spiritual values

Participatory Advocacy and Governance
Strengthen diverse civil society voices and community leadership in representative grassroots movements that hold governance systems accountable
Our Process
Trust-based grantmaking values guide our principles and practices. To allocate our resources, we rely on the wisdom and experience of a network of advisors embedded in grassroots agroecology movements. They sit at the center of our grantmaking process.
The Agroecology Fund does not issue open calls for proposals. Instead, Agroecology Fund Advisors, Funders and Long-term Partners nominate potential grantees.
Participatory Grantmaking Process
Grant Cycle Guidelines
Agroecology Fund Staff prepare grant guidelines in consultation with Donors and Advisors. The guidelines define the scope, priority areas of intervention, and number of grants to approve.
Agroecology Fund Advisors, Funders, and Long-Term Partners nominate potential grantees. Agroecology. Fund Staff may suggest additional nominees if needed. Advisors shortlist potential grantees invited to submit full proposals (The # of invited proposals should not exceed more than 30% of the total # of grants that will be approved).
Full Proposal Review
Advisors review proposals and recommend a grant docket to be funded. Advisors and Donors discuss the docket and decide on final grant recommendations together.
Due Diligence & Funds Transfer
After receiving the list of recommended grants, Global Greengrants Fund (Agroecology Fund’s fiscal sponsor) conducts due diligence. If requirements are met, funds are transferred to the grant recipients.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
After grant agreement and grants disbursement, Agroecology Fund staff accompany grantee partners in a participatory MEL process.