What is Agroecology?

Agroecology is an integrated approach that simultaneously applies ecological and social concepts and principles to the design and management of food and agricultural systems. Within a justice and rights framework, it seeks to minimize external inputs and optimize sustainable interactions between plants, animals, humans and the broader environment. 

Read more about agroecology here.

What are the Agroecology Fund’s grant sizes?

The main grant program awards between US$50,000 (12-18 months to implement) and US$120,000 (18-24 months to implement). We also offer smaller grants through special calls (e.g., Covid 19 Emergency Response – grant size $10,000-20,000) or as extra support to grantees for specific learning, communications and advocacy activities. 

When does the Agroecology Fund make grants?

Generally speaking once a year. Guidelines are crafted in fall (Northern hemisphere) proposals are deliberated in winter and grants are disbursed in spring.

Does the Agroecology Fund renew grants?

The Agroecology Fund cannot commit to grant renewal due to the fact that it does not have an endowment. However, in many cases, the Agroecology Fund does renew grants. The Agroecology Fund has a small number of long-term partners who receive multi-year support.

In which countries or regions does the Agroecology Fund support work?

The Agroecology Fund currently funds projects on five continents. Agroecology movements are expanding globally, from Mexico to Malaysia, and need our support and solidarity. To encourage the rich texture of collaborating organizations and networks in particular territories, the Agroecology Fund also operates four regional funds, in Mexico, India, Eastern Africa and West Africa. Learn more about where we fund work here. 

How can an organization, network, or research team apply for funding?

As the Agroecology Fund operates with a slim staffing structure and limited funds, open calls are currently not feasible – such an approach would mean that organizations and networks write proposals in an overly competitive process. For these reasons, our advisors, donors and long-term grantee partners nominate collaborations for consideration. 

How can a foundation or funder join the Agroecology Fund?

We welcome funders of all sizes – and grants of all sizes. Get in touch to begin a conversation about joining the fund by emailing Daniel Moss, Co-Director at daniel@agroecologyfund.com 

We are happy to introduce you to a few of the other 40+ funder members to gain their perspective on the benefits of investing in the Agroecology Fund.  

What are the benefits of joining the Fund?

Our multi-donor fund brings together donors with diverse interests. Whether you are committed to protecting Indigenous rights and biodiversity, eradicating hunger, advancing gender equity, or reversing the climate crisis, agroecology is a proven pathway to achieving many interwoven social and environmental goals.