Since 2012, we’ve awarded more than $33 million to collaborating organizations in 96 countries. From Bhutan to Ghana to Brazil, grantees are on the frontlines of the agroecology movement. Explore the map and database to learn more about where we support grassroots movements, and the wide range of approaches being taken to scale agroecology and transform our global food system.


A Growing Culture

Title Countries Status Category Link
Seeds of Change: Strengthening Grassroots Advocacy for Agroecology and Food Sovereignty Global Ongoing 11/01/25 - 31/01/26

Action pour la Reforestation et la Defence de l'Environnement (AREDE)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Agroecological restoration of peasant plots and implementation of a modern cassava operation in the Nord-Est department of Haiti Haiti Ongoing 01/03/25 - 28/02/26

African Biodiversity Network (ABN)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Connecting Seeds, Culture and Nature, to Strengthen Agroecological Practices and Food Sovereignty in Africa Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Africa, Togo, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia Concluded 01/09/19 - 01/08/20
C19 Emergency Response Kenya Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/20

African Women's Collaborative for Healthy Food Systems

Title Countries Status Category Link
Peasant and pastoralist women in the struggle for food sovereignty in times of crisis Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe Concluded 22/02/21 - 31/12/21
Research and Advocacy Project: The Nutritional Value of Plant Foods Produced by African Women Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Senegal Ongoing 01/07/23 - 30/06/25

Agency of Development Initiatives (ADI)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Farmers’ warehouse / "Dyikan Kampa" Kyrgyzstan Concluded 03/11/21 - 30/04/23

Agricultura Familiar e Agroecologia (AS-PTA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
From practice to politics: experiences and networks of agroecology defending healthy and suitable food in Brazil Brazil Ongoing 01/05/23 - 30/11/24

Aliansi Gerakan Reforma Agraria (AGRA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Indonesia Concluded 01/06/20 - 24/12/20
Advancing Agroecology for Better Livelihood of Agricultural Workers and Community against Hazardous Impacts of Big-Plantations in Asia Indonesia, Philippines Ongoing 05/06/23 - 31/10/24

Alianza Mesoamericana de Pueblos y Bosques (AMPB)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening the agroecological agenda in forest landscapes of Mesoamerican peoples Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama Concluded 01/06/22 - 30/11/23
Strengthening the ancestral farming systems of the Mesoamerican region Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua Ongoing 01/04/25 - 31/10/26

Alliance Against Industrial Plantations in West and Central Africa

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening the alliance against industrial oil palm plantations in West and Central Africa West and Central Africa Concluded 01/08/23 - 31/12/24

Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Mobilizing African Civil Societies for Agroecology and Influencing Decision Makers and Funders Multiple Concluded 01/10/14 - 31/10/16
Amplifying Agroecology in Africa Ethiopia, Senegal, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana Concluded 01/01/18 - 31/12/19
Amplifying Agroecology in Africa Kenya, Rwanda, Tunisia, Togo, Nigeria, Benin Concluded 01/06/19 - 01/06/21
Towards an Africa Food Policy East, West and Southern Africa Concluded 01/01/21 - 31/12/21
Supporting African Agroecological Enterprises (AAEs) Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe Concluded 01/05/20 - 30/06/21
Mobilising african citizens for healthy & culturally appropriate diet Zimbabwe, Ghana, Senegal, Togo Concluded 01/05/22 - 31/10/23
Connecting Young Agroecologists and Climate Advocates for Transformative Food Systems Uganda Ongoing 01/09/24 - 31/12/25

Alliance Nationale des Aires du Patrimoine Autochtone et Communautaire en République Démocratique du Congo (ANAPAC-RDC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Engage communities’ holders of Community Conservation Areas in profitable and sustainable agriculture in the territories of Kalehe and Mweka, provinces of Sud Kivu and Kasai, Democratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of Congo Concluded 01/09/23 - 31/12/24

Alliance pour l’Agroécologie en Afrique de l’Ouest (3AO)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening the agroecological transition: The Alliance for Agroecology in West Africa (3AO) West Africa Concluded 01/01/21 - 31/12/22
Project to Support the Development of Agro-Ecological Initiatives (PADIA) in West Africa Burkina Faso, Mali, Ghana Ongoing 01/06/23 - 30/11/24

Amihan National Federation of Peasant Women

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Philippines Concluded 01/09/20 - 01/03/21


Title Countries Status Category Link
Planting the Past for Tomorrow: Yaghnob Valley Initiative Tajikistan Ongoing 01/03/25 - 31/12/26

Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Agroecology networks against climate change: action research from the ground up Brazil Ongoing 01/10/24 - 30/09/26


Title Countries Status Category Link
Scaling Up Agroecology Through Public Policy, Youth, and Farmers Movements India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh Concluded 01/06/18 - 01/06/20
Scaling Up Agroecology Through Public Policy, Youth, and Farmers Movements India Concluded 01/09/19 - 30/09/21
C19 Emergency Response India Concluded 01/06/20 - 01/06/21
Women's collectives and youth build agroecological solidarity economies India Concluded 24/02/21 - 30/01/22

Arulagam (b)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Linking Small & Marginal Farmers to Markets India Ongoing 15/08/21 - 30/04/23

Asociación ANDES

Title Countries Status Category Link
Good Living and eating in the Peruvian Andes: protection of indigenous agri-food systems and life strategies for food and nutritional security and sovereignty Peru Concluded 21/02/21 - 31/01/22
El Sistema biocultural de semillas en el Parque de la Papa Peru Ongoing 01/03/23 - 28/02/25

Asociación de las Comunidades del Parque de la Papa

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emercency Response - Strengthening Localized Food System in Times of Covid19 Peru Concluded 01/06/20 - 01/01/21

Asociación de Organizaciones de los Cuchumatanes (ASOCUCH)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Confronting Covid-19 from the Field in indigenous communities of the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Guatemala Concluded 01/05/20 - 01/10/20
Strengthening agroecological production in Indigenous communities of the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, Huehuetenango, Guatemala Guatemala Concluded 01/06/22 - 31/05/23
Validación del uso de 3 productos orgánicos elaborados a nivel local en torno al cultivo de Papa (Solanum tuberosum L.), en la Sierra de Los Cuchumatanes Guatemala Ongoing 01/05/23 - 28/02/25

Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo (ATC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Facilitation of Territorial Processes in Agroecology with the Latin American Institute of Agroecology Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala Concluded 01/10/14 - 31/10/16

Asociación Nacional de Empresas Comercializadoras de Productores del Campo (ANEC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Expanding the model of integrated knowledge in campesino agroecology and building the Mexican Agroecological Movement Mexico Concluded 18/01/16 - 30/08/16

Asociación Nacional de Productores Ecológicos del Perú (ANPE Perú)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening the resilient agroecological production systems of small farmers from nine local territorial organizations Peru Concluded 01/06/22 - 29/02/24
Promoting integrated agroecological production systems and inclusive businesses with PGS certification in the Amazonas, Cajamarca, Lambayeque and La Libertad regions of Peru Peru Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/08/26

Assembly of the Poor (AOP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Thailand Concluded 01/05/20 - 31/12/20

Associação de Cooperação Agrícola e Reforma Agrária do Paraná (ACAP/PR)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Brazil Concluded 01/07/20 - 31/12/20
Agroecological restoration in agrarian reform areas in the State of Paraná, Brazil Brazil Concluded 01/05/22 - 31/10/23

Association Okani

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Cameroon Concluded 01/04/20 - 01/12/20

Association Sénégalaise de Producteurs de Semences Paysannes (ASPSP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Senegal Concluded 01/05/21 - 31/12/21

Bilim Alliance of Central Asia and Eastern Europe

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening sub-regional knowledge sharing for stronger agroecology organizations in the Caucasus, Balkans and Central Asia region Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Albania, Kosovo, Mongolia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine Ongoing 10/03/25 - 09/09/26

Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya (BIBA Kenya)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening Climate Resilience by Scaling Up Agroecology: Collaborative Research and Advocacy to Advance Food Systems Transformation Kenya Ongoing 01/10/24 - 30/09/26

Biowatch South Africa

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening Climate Resilience by Scaling Up Agroecology: Collaborative Research and Advocacy to Advance Food Systems Transformation in South Africa South Africa Ongoing 01/10/24 - 30/09/26

C-19 People’s Coalition

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response South Africa Concluded 08/05/20 - 30/09/20

Center for Food and Adequate Living Rights (CEFROHT)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Using human rights based approach in agriculture and local food systems’ post Covid-19 recovery through legal empowerment and social accountability to build back better and greener with agroecology Uganda Concluded 01/04/22 - 31/03/23

Center for Food Safety (CFS)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Save Our Seeds (SOS) - Legal Challenges to Seed Intellectual Property Rights and Seed Patent Regimes United States, Southern and East Africa Concluded 01/09/12 - 31/08/14

Centre d’Appui à la Gestion Durable des Forêts Tropicales (CAGDFT)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Support for community-based forestry through the integration of agroecology into simple management plans Democratic Republic of Congo Ongoing 01/08/23 - 31/08/24

Centre for Agroecological Promotion (CAEP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Scaling up Agroecology, reviving viable traditional agricultural practices that enhance food sovereignty, food security and protects biodiversity Cameroon Concluded 01/09/23 - 30/08/24

Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) - Coventry University

Title Countries Status Category Link
Agroecology for Sustainable Food Systems in Europe United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain Concluded 01/10/14 - 31/10/16

Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development (CIKOD)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Intervention to Foreclose Covid 19 in Forikrom Community in Ghana Ghana Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/21
Community seed development collaborative (CSDC) Ghana Concluded 08/04/22 - 31/03/23

Centre for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Kisan Mitra: Building policy ecosystem for scaling up agroecology-based food systems’ India Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/26

Centro de Desenvolvimento Agroecológico do Cerrado (CEDAC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Co-creation of Agroecology in the Brazilian Savannah: the Agroecological Community Living Centers Network Brazil Concluded 01/06/19 - 31/08/21
Strengthening the networks for cooperative agroecological marketing circuits Brazil Concluded 06/05/21 - 06/05/23
Forestry Green-N: an agroecological solution for family farming Brazil Ongoing 01/03/25 - 30/04/26

Centro de Desenvolvimento Agroecológico do Extremo Sul da Bahia (Terra Viva Itamaraju)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Food Forest Project Brazil Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/01/26

Centro Ecológico

Title Countries Status Category Link
Soil health: action research for agroecological transitions Brazil Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/01/26

Chikukwa Ecological Land Use Organization (CELUO)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Restoring Disrupted Ecosystems and Enhancing Biodiversity within Chimanimani and Masvingo Districts through Agroecology Zimbabwe Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/01/26

Colectivo Agroecológico del Ecuador

Title Countries Status Category Link
250,000 Agroecological Families: A Democratic Inspiration for Forging Food Sovereignty Ecuador Concluded 01/11/14 - 30/11/15
C19 Emergency Response Ecuador Concluded 26/04/20 - 26/08/20
Agroecological Response for a World in Crisis Ecuador Concluded 01/01/21 - 30/07/22
Factores de producción y reproducción para la territorialización de la agroecología en Ecuador. Ecuador Ongoing 01/04/23 - 30/09/24

Comité Ouest Africain des Semences Paysannes (COASP Burkina)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Promoting farmer seed systems for the agroecological transition Burkina Faso Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/01/26

Comité Régional de Solidarité des Femmes pour la Paix en Casamance (CRSFPC/USOFORAL)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Dynamics for Agroecological Transition in Senegal and Guinea Bissau Senegal, Guinea Bissau Ongoing 01/07/23 - 30/06/25

Community Action for Development (CADEV)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Cameroon Concluded 14/07/20 - 31/12/20

Concertation Nationale des Organisations Paysannes au Cameroun (CNOP - CAM)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Logistical support project for women agroecological and local food producers, vulnerable to the impacts of COVID- 19 for the consolidation of market access for food and nutritional sovereignty in the Central Region of Cameroon Cameroon Concluded 15/02/21 - 25/03/22
Support for increased production and for technical, entrepreneurial, and economic capacity building for women and youth in the areas of processing and marketing of agroecological products in the central region of Cameroon Cameroon Ongoing 01/08/23 - 31/08/24

Confederation Paysanne

Title Countries Status Category Link
Survey of water management on small-scale farms to reinforce advocacy on sharing of the commons France Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/26

Congo Basin Conservation Society (CBCS)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Support for forest governance to provide for climate resilience and conservation through the promotion of agroecology among the Indigenous peoples of Kivu in the DRC Democratic Republic of Congo Concluded 01/08/23 - 30/07/24

Consejo Shipibo Konibo Xetebo (COSHIKOX)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Emergency Strategy for the Prevention of Covid 19 for the Shipibo-Konibo-Xetebo Population of the Peruvian Amazon Peru Concluded 01/08/20 - 01/11/20
Recovery of promising agricultural crops in the Amazon and recovery of commercially valuable forest species through agroforestry systems in native communities Peru Ongoing 01/06/23 - 31/12/24

Consumer Research Education Action Training Empowerment (CREATE Trust)

Title Countries Status Category Link
The Farmers and Consumers Collective Action to Save Native Rice (Farming and Culture) India Ongoing 01/06/23 - 31/05/25

Consumers' Association of Penang (CAP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Supporting agroecological food production and farmer seed systems in Malaysia Malaysia Concluded 01/03/21 - 31/12/22

Convergence des Femmes Rurales pour la Souveraineté Alimentaire (COFERSA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Mali's rural women bring biodiversity to life and lead the fight for peasant agroecology. Mali Concluded 18/05/21 - 30/11/22
Strengthen and defend food production systems based on the valorization of diversity to increase the economic and decision-making power of rural women in Mali. Mali Ongoing 01/07/23 - 31/12/24

Cooperativa dos Trabalhadores Rurais Assentados da Reforma Agrária (Cooperterra)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Brazil Concluded 01/06/20 - 01/08/20

Coordinación de Organizaciones no Gubernamentales y Cooperativas (CONGCOOP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening agroecological systems in Maya Q’eqchi’ communities of Guatemala Guatemala Ongoing 01/02/25 - 28/02/26

Desarrollo Económico y Social de los Mexicanos Indígenas (DESMI)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening and Expanding Agroecological Systems for Food Sovereignty & Local Leadership, Chiapas Mexico Concluded 01/09/12 - 31/12/14
Buen Vivir in the Americas: Peasant and Indigenous Women-Led and Family-Based Agroecology in he Americas Mexico, Haiti, Brazil Concluded 01/02/16 - 01/08/17

Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale farmer’s Forum Uganda (ESAFF Uganda)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Uganda Concluded 01/06/20 - 01/12/20
Positioning agroecology as a pathway to sustainable food systems in Uganda Uganda Concluded 18/04/22 - 31/03/23
Strengthening Community Transition to Agroecology through Practice and Inclusive Policy Processes in Uganda. Uganda Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/25

Eastern and Southern Africa Small-scale farmer’s Forum Zambia (ESAFF Zambia)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Zambia Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/20

El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Latin American professional Master’s program in agroecology to strengthen grassroots processes Multiple (Latin America) Ongoing 01/05/22 - 30/04/24
Facilitation and scientific research coordination of the Participatory Action Research on Agroecology initiative Mexico Ongoing 01/11/22 - 31/10/25
Latin American Professional Master´s Program in Agroecology Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Colombia, Brazil Ongoing 01/04/25 - 31/03/27

Espacio Estatal en Defensa del Maíz Nativo de Oaxaca

Title Countries Status Category Link
Building the agroecological movement in Oaxaca Mexico Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/08/26

Ethiopian Sustainable Food Systems and Agroecology Consortium (ESFSAC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Collaborative research and advocacy to advance agroecology-based and climate-resilient food systems transformation Ethiopia Ongoing 01/10/24 - 30/04/26

European Coordination Via Campesina (EC-VC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Mapping and Exchanges on Agroecology and agrobiodiversity between Central Asia and Eastern Europe Georgia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan Concluded 01/10/19 - 30/06/22
C19 Emergency Response Italy, Spain Concluded 01/08/20 - 31/12/20
Leveraging finance and effective trade policies in European Institutions for the global agroecology movement Europe Ongoing 01/08/23 - 31/01/25

Farmworker Association of Florida (FWAF)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response United States Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/20

Federación de Campesinos Independientes Mama Tingo (FECAINMAT)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Dominican Republic Concluded 20/06/20 - 01/12/20
Agroecological project for the continuity of ancestral practices of peasant family agriculture: strengthening marketing systems and the involvement of women and youth Dominican Republic Concluded 01/06/22 - 31/12/23
Fortalecimiento de la formación y acompañamiento en agroecología para familias campesinas y jóvenes de la cloc-vía campesina república dominicana Dominican Republic Ongoing 01/03/25 - 30/06/26

Federación de Cooperativas de la Reforma Agraria de la Región Central (FECORACEN)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Promotion of the Salvadoran Agroecological Corridor El Salvador Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/05/26

Federación de Cooperativas para el Desarrollo, R.L. (FECODESA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Families fed and healthy: a strategy for the mitigation of pandemics and climate change Nicaragua Concluded 01/04/21 - 30/11/21

Federación Nacional de Cooperativas Pesqueras del Ecuador (FENACOPEC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Delivery of food kits to the most vulnerable communities of the Ecuadorian coast. Ecuador Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/20

Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria (FENSUAGRO)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Instituto Latinoamericano de Agroecología - María Cano (Maria Cano Latin American Agroecology Institute) Colombia Concluded 01/02/16 - 31/08/17
Instituto Latinoamericano de Agroecología - María Cano (Maria Cano Latin American Agroecology Institute) Colombia Concluded 01/01/18 - 01/06/19
Ensuring the right to food: growing healthy food and promoting its access in local markets Colombia, Nicaragua Concluded 27/07/21 - 03/02/22
Estrategias de gestión agroecológica participativa para fortalecer la transición hacia las diversidades de sistemas agroecológicos campesinos en la región del Tequendama y Sumapaz Colombia Ongoing 01/06/23 - 31/03/25
Revitalizando la agricultura campesina e indígena con el protagonismo de jóvenes y mujeres del campo Nicaragua Ongoing 05/05/23 - 04/04/25

Federation of Organic Development BIO-KG

Title Countries Status Category Link
Farmers in Development Kyrgyzstan Concluded 01/04/16 - 01/12/16

FishNet Alliance

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Nigeria Concluded 01/08/20 - 31/08/20
Strengthening Advocacy for Livelihood Restoration and Socioecological Justice Nigeria, Senegal, Togo Concluded 01/05/23 - 31/05/24

Focus on the Global South

Title Countries Status Category Link
Agroecology and climate justice: strengthening social movement collaborations in Asia India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand Ongoing 01/11/24 - 31/10/26

Food Rights Alliance (FRA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Building a bridge to enhance access to food and agro products during the lockdown due to COVID19 Uganda Concluded 01/05/20 - 31/12/21

Foundation for Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in Mindanao (FARMCOOP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Towards a Sustainable National Agrarian Reform Program, Food Security, and Agroecology Foundation Philippines Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/25

Fundación AGRECOL Andes

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Bolivia Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/20
Developing sustainable, empathetic food systems linking farmers, processors, and consumers, strengthening bonds of well-being Bolivia Concluded 21/04/22 - 30/06/23

Caribbean Agroecology Institute (CAI)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Fortalecimiento de la gobernanza para la territorialización de la agroecología en el municipio Cabaiguán United States, Cuba Ongoing 01/05/23 - 30/04/25

Fundación Tosepan AC

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening and expansion of agroecology in food and cash crop gardens and plots in the Nahua and Tutunaku communities of the northeastern Sierra of Puebla Mexico Ongoing 01/03/25 - 28/02/26

Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation (GER)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Rwanda Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/20


Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Information, Awareness Raising, Prevention, and Fight Against the Spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic and Support for Women Farmers in the Community of Kotan-Commune Avrankou Benin Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/20
Djowamon: Taking an agroecology approach to land restoration in Benin Benin Concluded 01/06/23 - 31/05/24

Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Food security and drought mitigation India Concluded 01/04/22 - 31/03/23

Grassroots International (GRI)

Title Countries Status Category Link
A Catalyst to Expand the Global Agroecology Movement Brazil, Mexico, India, South Africa, Nepal, United States Concluded 01/09/12 - 01/09/14

Groundswell International

Title Countries Status Category Link
Scaling Farmer-led Agroecology in West Africa Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali Concluded 01/01/13 - 31/12/14
Amplifying Agroecology in the West African Sahel: Strengthening Farmer- to-Farmer spread, Women’s Empowerment, Nutrition and Advocacy Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal Concluded 01/09/20 - 31/03/21
C19 Emergency Response Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal Concluded 01/04/20 - 29/01/21
Scaling Agroecology Through Women’s Empowerment in the West African Sahel Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Senegal Concluded 01/09/20 - 31/03/22
Agroecology for Systems Change in the Sahel Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Ghana Concluded 01/07/22 - 31/12/23
Agroecology for Systems Change in the Sahel Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Senegal Ongoing 01/07/24 - 31/12/25

Grupo Autónomo para la Investigación Ambiental, A.C. (GAIA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Capacity building of small producers for sustainable soil management Mexico Concluded 01/08/19 - 31/12/20
Dialogues for small-scale agriculture and capacity building in agroecological soil management to make agriculture more resilient in Mexico Mexico Concluded 29/01/21 - 30/06/22
Experimentación campesina para la formulación de protocolos agroecológicos (prácticas y tratamientos) para el manejo adaptativo del sistema milpa a condiciones de cambio climático en 3 regiones de México. Mexico Ongoing 01/05/23 - 28/02/25

Grupo Semillas

Title Countries Status Category Link
Seeds in the peoples’ commons: actions to defend and promote seeds and agroecological production in ethnic and peasant communities in Colombia Colombia Concluded 01/05/22 - 21/10/23
Policy advocacy to strengthen agroecology, agrobiodiversity, peasant, family, and community agriculture in response to the climate crisis in Colombia Colombia Ongoing 01/10/24 - 31/03/26

HOCK Collaborative

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening Climate Resilience through Agroecology Research and Advocacy Nigeria Ongoing 30/10/24 - 30/09/26

Human Development Organization (HDO)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Citizen’s Action for Agroecology & Food Security in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Concluded 01/05/21 - 31/03/24

IFOAM Seeds Platform

Title Countries Status Category Link
Seed Sovereignty Now! Global Ongoing 01/02/25 - 28/02/26

INADES-Formation Togo

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Response to the health emergency and promotion of food systems around the fonio sector in the District of Amou in Togo Togo Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/20
Providing Healthy Food Through Agroecology Togo Concluded 01/05/22 - 30/11/23

Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation (IMPACT)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Securing Pastoralists rights and guardianship of their land through advancing agroecological solutions in Kenya’s Northern Rangelands Kenya Concluded 01/04/21 - 31/05/22
Securing pastoralist'rights to healthy livelihoods by promoting indigenous foods systems and ecosystem restoration in Northern Kenya-phase II Kenya Ongoing 01/09/23 - 28/02/24

Indigenous Partnership for Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty (TIP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Building Societies of Peace - Looking to Matriarchal Societies for Lessons on Agroecology and Nutrition India, Thailand Concluded 01/11/14 - 31/10/15
Setting Up an Indigenous Food Communities Alliance in Southeast Asia Italy, Thailand, India Concluded 01/04/18 - 30/06/20

Indigenous Women and Girls Initiative (IWGI)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Building resilient communities through agroecological and permaculture innovations Kenya Concluded 01/06/23 - 31/12/24

Institut de Recherche et de Promotion des Alternatives en Développement (IRPAD)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Women and young people improve their socio-economic inclusion by contributing to the promotion and enhancement of multidimensional agroecological transition practices and policies in Mali and Guinea. Mali, Guinea Concluded 01/06/23 - 31/12/24

Instituto Agroecológico Latinoamericano - México (IALA México)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Diseño de enfoques epistemológicos y curriculares del IALA México Territorializado, como un instrumento para nutrir la resiliencia climática y la incidencia política para fortalecer los sistemas agroalimentarios. Mexico Ongoing 01/12/24 - 30/06/26

Instituto Chaikuni

Title Countries Status Category Link
Capacity building on dynamic agroforestry for indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon as a strategy to maintain traditional food systems, promote forest regeneration and increase household incomes. Peru Ongoing 01/05/25 - 30/04/26

International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Indigenous Peoples Alliance on Traditional Knowledge, Food Sovereignty and Climate Change United States, Mexico, Guatemala Concluded 01/03/16 - 28/02/17
Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Traditional Knowledge, Food Sovereignty and Climate Change United States, Panama, Ecuador, New Zealand Concluded 01/03/18 - 30/06/19
Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Traditional Knowledge, Food Sovereignty and Climate Change United States, Mexico Concluded 03/06/19 - 31/12/21
C19 Emergency Response United States Concluded 04/06/20 - 04/06/21
Building and Strengthening Indigenous Peoples’ Food Sovereignty and Resiliency in response to the duel COVID-19 and Climate Crisis of the Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Food Sovereignty, Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change Multiple Concluded 01/01/21 - 31/12/21
Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Food Sovereignty, Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change - Continuing to Build and Strengthen Indigenous Peoples’ Food Sovereignty and Resiliency Multiple countries in Americas, Pacific and Artic Concluded 01/07/22 - 31/12/23
Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Food Sovereignty, Traditional Knowledge and Climate Change - Continuing to Build and Strengthen Indigenous Peoples’ Food Sovereignty and Resiliency North, Central and South America; and the Pacific, Caribbean and the Arctic Ongoing 01/07/24 - 31/12/25

International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples (INMIP) / Asociación ANDES

Title Countries Status Category Link
International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples (INMIP) Vavilov centers and biocultural heritage/food neighborhood work Peru, China, Tajikistan, India, Kenya, Bhutan Concluded 01/06/19 - 31/07/21

International People’s Agroecology Multiversity (IPAM)

Title Countries Status Category Link
International People’s Agroecology Multiversity: Strengthening the agroecology movement through field learning sites and policy advocacy Bangladesh, Laos, Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Benin, Senegal, Argentina, Chile, Germany, United Kingdom, United States Ongoing 01/06/22 - 31/12/23

Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement (JVE Côte d’Ivoire)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Côte d'Ivoire Concluded 01/06/20 - 01/06/21
Towards a consolidation of the voices of the young and women farmers to scale-up agroecology and fight for climate justice in Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire Concluded 01/06/22 - 31/12/23

Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement (JVE Togo)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Community Resilience Building through COVID -19 Support Project Togo Concluded 01/07/20 - 01/12/20
Youth leadership transitioning local food systems to agroecology in the Grand Kloto, Togo Togo Concluded 10/05/22 - 30/04/23

Jittoa Bat Nataka Weria

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Mexico Concluded 25/01/21 - 30/07/21
Implementation and development of agroecological activities with a collaborative approach by social organizations that strengthen culture and environmental protection. Mexico Ongoing 01/07/23 - 30/06/25

Kenya Indigenous Youth Network (KIYN)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Revitalizing agroecology as food sovereignty among the Indigenous agro-pastoralists in Baringo, Samburu, Trans-Nzoia and Laikipia counties in Kenya. Kenya Ongoing 01/06/23 - 30/06/24

Kenyan Peasants League (KPL)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Kenya Concluded 01/08/20 - 31/01/21
Transitioning to agroecology to strengthen local food systems Kenya Concluded 01/05/22 - 30/09/23

Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Viralizing Food Security: Building Resilient Farming Communities amid Covid-19 Pandemic Philippines Concluded 01/05/20 - 31/12/20
Agroecological-based Food Production Campaign for Self-reliant and Self-sustaining Communities Among Land Cultivation Areas Philippines Concluded 03/11/21 - 31/03/23
Genuine Agrarian Reform and Sustainable Agriculture (GARSA): A farmer-led climate crisis solution through agroecology Philippines Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/25

Koalisi Kampus Untuk Demokrasi Papua (KKDP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Understanding the Food System Transformation and Resilience Strategy of Indigenous Papua Indonesia Ongoing 01/11/24 - 31/10/26

Korean Women's Peasant Association (KWPA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
The First Step Towards a New Society: Women Peasants as Leaders in Agroecology and Food Sovereignty South Korea Concluded 01/10/14 - 30/04/16

La Via Campesina (LVC) / ETC / GRAIN

Title Countries Status Category Link
A Global Partnership to Amplify Peasant and Family Farm Agroecology as Part of Food Sovereignty Multiple Concluded 01/09/12 - 31/12/14
Advancing the peasant-Led Global Agroecology and Peasant Seeds Agenda Multiple Concluded 01/01/15 - 31/12/16
Local–Global Strategies to Defend and Amplify Peasant-Led Agroecology Multiple Concluded 01/01/18 - 30/06/19
A locally rooted and globally active collaborative to defend and amplify peasant-led agroecology Multiple Concluded 01/06/19 - 31/12/20
Strengthening the Food Sovereignty Movement by Defending and Amplifying Peasant-led Agroecology: A Long-term Partnership between La Via Campesina, GRAIN and ETC Group Multiple Concluded 01/01/21 - 30/06/22
Peasant Agroecology for Food Sovereignty: A Long Term Partnership between La Via Campesina, GRAIN and the ETC Group Multiple Concluded 01/07/22 - 31/12/23
Peasant Agroecology for Food Sovereignty: A Long-Term Partnership between La Via Campesina, GRAIN and the ETC Group Global Ongoing 01/07/24 - 31/12/25

La Via Campesina Brasil (LVC Brasil)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Resilience in peasant territories in response to climate change in the Amazon Brazil Ongoing 01/08/24 - 28/02/26

Landworkers' Alliance (LWA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response United Kingdom Concluded 01/05/20 - 31/03/21

Les Jardins de l'Espoir

Title Countries Status Category Link
From the Shovel to the Fork - Initiative for Quality Insurance and Financial Management of Peasant Agroecology Systems Benin Ongoing 01/07/23 - 30/06/24

Lumière Synergie pour le Développement (LSD Senegal)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Advancing women fishers’ rights and struggles for climate justice in the context of big oil extraction in the Delta du Saloum Senegal Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/25

Malaysian Food Security and Sovereignty Forum (FKMM)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Community seed reserved initiative Malaysia Concluded 01/06/22 - 01/06/24
Farmers' Seed Freedom: Save, Share, Sell Malaysia Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/25

Manor House Agricultural Centre (MHAC) (Kenya Agroecology Hub)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Joint Learning Activities for the Kenya Agroecology Hub Community of Practice Kenya Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/07/26

Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening Indigenous and small food farmers to increase their resilience against climate change through Agroecology practices and national advocacy. Cameroon Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/25

Mesa Agroalimentaria Argentina (MAA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Territorial Plan for Participatory Research and Policy Advocacy Action Argentina Ongoing 01/11/24 - 31/05/26

Million Rural Women and the Landless (MRWL)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - For a better resilience of peasants and small farmers in post covid Tunisia in the way of Agroecology Tunisia Concluded 01/01/23 - 30/09/23
Empowering fisherwomen and women peasants in the way of resilience and agroecology in Tunisia Tunisia Ongoing 01/02/25 - 28/02/26

MinneAg Network

Title Countries Status Category Link
Policy design to strengthen agroecology among small and medium scale producers as a pathway to climate resilience United States Ongoing 01/10/24 - 30/09/26

Mon Land Institute (MLI)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Kickstarting Agroecological Transition in Mon Region Myanmar Ongoing 01/03/25 - 28/02/26

Mouvement paysan Acul-du-Nord (MPA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Haiti Concluded 22/06/20 - 30/12/20

Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action (MELCA-Ethiopia)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening sustainable farming and local food systems through promotion of agroecological farming practices Ethiopia Concluded 01/06/22 - 31/05/24

Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Assuring Resiliency of Vulnerable Communities amidst Covid-19 Sri Lanka Concluded 01/05/20 - 31/12/20
Strengthening food sovereignty-based agroecology and farmer cooperatives in Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Concluded 01/04/22 - 31/08/23
Empowering Rathugala Adivasi Community: Strengthening Indigenous Livelihoods through Agroecology, Defending Rights and Cultural Preservation Sri Lanka Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/26

Movimento Camponês Popular (MCP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Seed for Life Network: Cultivating Agrobiodiversity and Strengthening Agroecology in Brazil Brazil Ongoing 01/04/25 - 01/05/26

Movimiento Campesino de Santiago del Estero (MOCASE)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Argentina Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/21

Muyissi Environnement (ME)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Viable Land (Terres Viables) Gabon Ongoing 01/09/23 - 28/02/25

Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Thawthi Taw-Oo Indigenous Park (TTIP): An alternative model for Indigenous-based resource management and livelihoods Myanmar Concluded 01/05/22 - 30/04/24
Thawthi Taw-Oo Indigenous Park (TTIP): Strengthening an alternative model for Indigenous-based resource management and livelihoods Myanmar Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/26

Nation of Hawai'i

Title Countries Status Category Link
Aloha Aina: Hawaiian Agroecology and Restoration Hawaii, United States Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/25

National Black and Food Justice Alliance (NBFJA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Agroecology and Black Agrarians: Unsung Climate and Culture Catalysts United States Ongoing 01/10/24 - 30/09/26

National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Farmland for Farmers: The Bedrock of Resilient Food Systems United States Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/26

National Network of Farmers' Groups in Tanzania (MVIWATA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
“Kilimo Ikolojia”: promoting agroecology for sustainable food systems in Tanzania Tanzania Concluded 01/04/22 - 31/03/23
Promoting peasant agroecology for enhancing food sovereignty and control Tanzania Ongoing 01/03/25 - 28/02/26

Society for Direct Initiative for Social and Health Action (DISHA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Community Capacity Building for Sustainable Fisheries India Concluded 01/06/23 - 30/11/24

Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance (NAFSA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Rematriation of Indigenous and Traditional Seeds: Building a Regional Cooperative Seed Hub for Seed-to-Table Resilience United States Concluded 01/01/21 - 31/12/22
Indigenous Seed Keepers Network (ISKN): Growing our Regional Alliances United States Concluded 01/07/23 - 31/12/24


Title Countries Status Category Link
Women's Networks for Biodiversity and Agroecology India, Buthan Concluded 01/07/12 - 01/08/14

Northern Co-operative Development Bank (NCDB)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Economic Stabilization of Co-operative Food Producers Sri Lanka Concluded 01/11/22 - 31/03/24
Empowering Cooperative Marketing to Address Climate Challenges, Economic Crises, and Promote Environmental Sustainability in Northern Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/25

Nous Sommes la Solution (NSS)

Title Countries Status Category Link
We Are the Solution // Building a Rural Women's Movement for Food Sovereignty, Agroecology and Gender Justice in West Africa Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Senegal Concluded 01/07/16 - 01/07/17
Revaluing traditional rice varieties for women's better access to markets in West Africa Senegal, Burkina Faso Concluded 01/02/18 - 31/01/19
C19 Emergency Response Burkina Faso, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal Concluded 01/05/20 - 01/12/21
Promotion of Traditional Rice Biodiversity in West Africa Burkina Faso, Senegal Concluded 01/03/21 - 30/09/23
Improving the production and marketing of “Sum Pak” natural broth Senegal Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/01/26

Nyalenda Young Turks Community Based Organization

Title Countries Status Category Link
Kisumu Young Agroecology Community Initiative Kenya Ongoing 01/03/25 - 31/03/26

Oakland Institute

Title Countries Status Category Link
Our Land Our Business Multiple Concluded 01/10/14 - 30/04/16

Ogiek Peoples' Development Program (OPDP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Securing agroecological systems among hunter gatherer communities in Kenya Kenya Concluded 01/05/22 - 31/05/24
Research and Advocacy to Advance Food Systems Transformation among Indigenous Hunter-Gatherer and Pastoralist Communities in Kenya Kenya Ongoing 01/11/24 - 31/10/26

Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña (OFRANEH)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Honduras Concluded 15/08/20 - 30/01/21
Strengthening Food Security for the Garífuna people, with emphasis on Vallecito Honduras Ongoing 01/05/23 - 30/11/24

Organización Nación P’urhépecha Zapatista (ONPZ)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Mexico Concluded 15/01/21 - 07/06/21

Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM Association)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Up-scaling Participatory farmer-led research in Agroecology for resilient food systems transformation in Eastern and Southern Africa Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Eswatini Ongoing 01/03/25 - 30/08/26

Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM Kenya)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Inclusive and enabling policies for agroecology in Kenya Kenya Concluded 01/05/22 - 31/05/24

Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM Zimbabwe)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Transforming how marketing is approached and supported by various actors in Zimbabwe during and post Covid-19 Zimbabwe Concluded 01/03/21 - 31/12/21
Transforming how marketing is approached and supported by various actors in Zimbabwe during and post COVID-19 Zimbabwe Concluded 03/02/21 - 01/03/22
Recognizing, supporting agroecology through protecting mass markets in seven districts of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Concluded 01/05/22 - 01/04/24

Peace Building Center (PBC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Enhancing genetic diversity of livestock and promotion of agro-ecological solutions through revival and re-introduction of autochthonous breeds of cattle (Buryat cow) to native landscapes Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia (Siberia) Concluded 01/01/18 - 31/12/19
Enhancing genetic diversity of livestock and promotion of agroecological solutions through revival and re-introduction of autochthonous breeds of cattle (Buryat cow) to native landscapes Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan Concluded 01/08/19 - 31/03/21
Promoting food, environmental, spiritual-cultural security of indigenous peoples of Pamir, Tien-Shan and Sayan-Altai through indigenous livestock breeding in the conditions of global crisis Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan Concluded 19/05/21 - 15/05/23
Promotion of food, environmental and spiritual-cultural security of indigenous peoples of Pamir, Tien-Shan, and Sayan-Altai through indigenous livestock breeding in the context of global crisis Kyrgyzstan, Russia Ongoing 01/06/23 - 30/11/24

Pesticide Action Network (PAN North America)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Policy Learning from a multi-stakeholder process to Enact an SPM Roadmap in California, with Lessons for Other State United States Ongoing 01/09/24 - 30/08/26

Pesticide Action Network Asia Pacific (PANAP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Agroecology in Action for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka Ongoing 01/03/25 - 31/03/27

Population Health and Environment Ethiopia Consortium (PHE-EC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Agroecological Pathways to Sustainable Forest Management and Biodiversity Conservation in Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve, southwest Ethiopia. Ethiopia Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/01/27

Practical Action Southern Africa (PASA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Capacity Building for the Zimbabwe Seed Sovereignty Programme (ZSSP) Zimbabwe Concluded 01/05/16 - 30/11/17

Programa de Desarrollo Integral Interdisciplinario (PRODII) - (Integral Interdisciplinary Development Program)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Agroecological production for sustainable productive economic development in the North of Potosí Bolivia Concluded 01/05/23 - 31/12/24

Public Organization Environmental Consultancy (Eco-Consultancy)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Promote and strengthen agroecology movements within the Biocultural Heritage Territory “Wheat Park” in the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan Tajikistan Ongoing 01/08/23 - 31/08/25

Red de Agricultura Ecológica del Perú (RAE-PERÚ)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Strengthening the Resilience of Agroecological Systems in the Context of the Covid19 Crisis Peru Concluded 01/07/20 - 31/12/20

Red de Mercados Agroecológicos Campesinos del Valle del Cauca (REDMAC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Colombia Concluded 01/05/20 - 30/03/21

Red Nacional de Agricultura Familiar (RENAF) / Red de Semillas Libres de Colombia (RSL)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening Agroecologically Based Family and Ethnic Community Farming in Colombia using native and creole breeds and seeds, short marketing circuits, and the promotion and participation of young people from local work nodes involved in both RENAF and RSLC Colombia Concluded 01/05/23 - 30/09/24

Red Nacional de Mujeres de la Agricultura Familiar (RENAF)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Resilient Agroecology: Strengthening Food Sovereignty and Climate Adaptation in Family Farming Peru Ongoing 01/05/25 - 30/04/26

Rede Bionatur / Cooperativa Agroecológica Nacional Terra e Vida (COONATERRA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Bionatur Seeds Network Brazil Concluded 01/01/18 - 31/01/19

Regional Schools and Colleges Permaculture (ReSCOPE Programme)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Youth and smallholder farmers championing farmer seed systems and agroecology to enhance food sovereignty and nutrition in ten communities in East and Southern Africa. Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe Concluded 01/02/18 - 31/01/20
Rooting a youth led agroecology movement in 5 southern and East African countries Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe Concluded 01/06/22 - 30/11/23

Réseau Africain pour le Droit à l'Alimentation (RAPDA - Togo)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Importance and value of women's place and role in food systems for healthy and sustainable production and consumption practices in Togo. Togo Concluded 01/06/23 - 30/11/24

Roots for Equity

Title Countries Status Category Link
Scaling and strengthening agroecology with collaboratives with PKMT, Pakistan with CSOs and academia; and at the regional level with the Asian Peasants Coalition Pakistan Concluded 01/10/19 - 30/11/21
Strengthening agroecology through farmer exchanges, campaigns and advocacy in Pakistan Pakistan Concluded 01/07/22 - 30/06/24
Strengthening Agroecology Through PKMT Jazba Farmers' Cooperative Pakistan Ongoing 01/03/25 - 31/10/26

Rural Initiatives Development Programme (RIDEP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Promoting Organic farming to increase income security for poor rural women in Eastern Kenya Kenya Concluded 01/05/23 - 31/10/24

Rural Women's Assembly (RWA) of Southern Africa

Title Countries Status Category Link
Our land, our seeds, our food - building the different future Lesotho, Namibia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique,Tanzania, Eswatini, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe Ongoing 01/03/25 - 28/02/26


Title Countries Status Category Link
Biodiversity and agroecological services to strengthen the local food systems in the context of climate change Tajikistan Ongoing 05/05/22 - 15/11/24

Samerth Charitable Trust

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening local food systems of the forest dependent communities India Concluded 01/04/22 - 30/10/23

Save PNG Inc.

Title Countries Status Category Link
Food is Life Melanesia Project: Sharing agroecology strategies through media education amongst Pacific Islanders Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia Concluded 01/03/16 - 01/09/17
The Arise Pasifika Project: harnessing the power of Agroecology in times of crisis through media awareness, farmer-to-farmer trainings and peer education programs in Melanesia Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia Concluded 01/03/21 - 31/03/22

Save San Roque Alliance

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Philippines Concluded 01/08/20 - 31/07/21

Schola Campesina

Title Countries Status Category Link
Sharing Knowledge for a Stronger Agroecology Movement in ECA Region Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Turkey, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan Concluded 01/06/22 - 31/12/23

Schools and Colleges Permaculture Programme Kenya (SCOPE Kenya)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening the adoption and sustainability of climate resilient food systems among school communities through agroecology practices & enabling policy environment in 5 counties Kenya Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/07/26

Seed and Knowledge Initiative (SKI)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Collaborating towards landscape level agroecology in Southern Africa South Africa, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe Concluded 01/03/21 - 31/12/22
Collaborating towards landscape level agroecology in Southern Africa Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa Ongoing 01/06/23 - 31/05/25

Seed Savers Network (SSN Kenya)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Improved access to local fruits seedlings in Kenya Kenya Concluded 01/06/22 - 31/12/23

Serikat Petani Indonesia (SPI)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Indonesia Concluded 11/07/20 - 31/12/20
Building Food Sovereignty-based Society Indonesia Concluded 01/03/21 - 01/02/23
Developing Food Sovereignty Areas to strengthening climate resilience through collaborative research on agroecology practices and advocacy on agroecology-based public policy to advance food systems transformation Indonesia Ongoing 01/08/24 - 31/07/26

Seriti Institute

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening South African Agroecology Nodes Through Integrated Support and Learning South Africa Ongoing 01/03/25 - 30/09/26

Service d'Appui aux Initiatives Locales de Développement (SAILD)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Strengthening food security through the promotion of agroecology in Cameroon Cameroon Ongoing 01/08/23 - 31/12/24

Shikha Shastha Unnayan Karzakram (SHISUK) stands for Education, Health and Development Program

Title Countries Status Category Link
Promoting Agroecology with Community Enterprise Approach Bangladesh Ongoing 01/08/23 - 31/07/25

Shikshantar Sansthan

Title Countries Status Category Link
Protecting Indigenous and tribal food systems through collective entrepreneurship India Concluded 15/04/22 - 30/11/23

Shiprock Traditional Farmers Cooperative

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response United States Concluded 06/07/20 - 31/10/21

Sibol Ng Agham At Teknolohiya (Sibat, Inc.)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Collaboration to Advance Agroecology for Rural Food Security and Agrarian Reform in the Philippines Philippines Concluded 01/06/18 - 31/12/19

Slow Food Convivia Association of Kenya (SF Kenya)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Fostering resilience in times of emergency and beyond: an alternative distribution network to counter Covid-19 emergency in Kenya and a sustainable local food system for the future Kenya Concluded 01/07/20 - 01/12/20

Slow Food International (SFI)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Building Local Economies in East Africa through Agroecology Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo Concluded 01/09/19 - 01/07/21
Foster community-led initiatives in East Africa by enhancing agroecological productions and market access in response to the global crisis Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Uganda Concluded 01/11/21 - 30/03/23

Smallholder Farmers Alliance (SFA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Scaling Agroecology in Haiti Haiti Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/25

Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Women farmers show the way! consolidating the agroecological model in five districts of Maharashtra India Concluded 01/06/22 - 30/11/23

Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response India Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/20

Solidarité des Femmes sur le Fleuve Congo (SOFFLECO)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Protecting forest ecosystems along the Congo River through agroecological production in areas of extractive activities (APEFAZE) Democratic Republic of Congo Concluded 01/08/23 - 30/09/24

Southeast Asia Regional Initiatives for Community Empowerment (SEARICE)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Laos, Vietnam Concluded 14/08/20 - 31/01/21
Vuot Len (Rise Up) Vietnam Concluded 01/07/22 - 31/03/24
Scaling-up Transformative Agroecology for Resiliency and Sustainability (STARS) Vietnam, Philippines Ongoing 01/03/25 - 31/08/26

Southeastern African American Farmers Organic Network (SAAFON)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Down-South Agroecology Training School (DATS) United States Concluded 01/01/18 - 30/09/21
SAAFON Cluster Resilience Project United States Concluded 01/11/21 - 01/09/23

Southern Peasants' Federation of Thailand (SPFT)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Protecting & Promoting Food Sovereignty in Thailand Thailand Concluded 01/11/21 - 31/10/23

Sustainable Rural Community Development Organization (SURCOD)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Strengthening Locally Produced Health Foods Malawi Concluded 01/06/20 - 31/12/20

Synergie Nationale des Paysans et Riverains du Cameroun (SYNAPARCAM)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Support project for agroecology in communities affected by the SOCAPALM agroindustry Cameroon Concluded 01/08/23 - 31/12/24

Tenaganita Women’s Force

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Malaysia Concluded 01/05/20 - 01/04/21


Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response - Seeding the Change India Concluded 01/06/20 - 01/12/20
Strengthening agroecological collectives: a multi-locational initiative to create climate resilient food system in Kerala India Concluded 01/05/22 - 30/11/23
Soil Health :A key to sustainable land use and Biodiversity conservation India Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/01/26

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Agroecology for Sustainable Food and Farming (APPG)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Agroecology, the UK Parliament and Global Development: A collaborative approach to policy change led by the APG Group on Agroecology United Kingdom Concluded 01/06/16 - 07/03/17

The Field Alliance (TFA)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Linking agroecological farmers to school lunch and hospitals Thailand, Vietnam Ongoing 01/05/22 - 30/04/24

Towards Sustainable Use of Resources Organization (TSURO Trust)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Landscape Regeneration Joint Learning Programme (LRJLP) Zimbabwe Ongoing 01/07/23 - 31/12/24

Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) - Coventry University

Title Countries Status Category Link
Tripura Agroecology Partnership: Linking nutritional security with elective agroecological diversification for resilient rural communities United Kingdom, India Concluded 04/07/16 - 30/10/18

Tzirondarhu Anapu

Title Countries Status Category Link
Towards the consolidation of the community network to strengthen local seed systems (RCFSLS) Mexico, Guatemala Concluded 01/05/23 - 31/05/24

Unión de Comunidades Indígenas de la Zona Norte del Istmo, A.C (UCIZONI)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Mexico Concluded 01/06/20 - 01/12/20
Collective for the recovery of native seeds and agroecological farming Mexico Concluded 01/03/22 - 07/07/23
Working together to recover native maize, healthy food, and the use of agroecological techniques Mexico Ongoing 01/03/25 - 30/04/26

Unión de Trabajadores de la Tierra (UTT)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Argentina Concluded 01/05/20 - 01/11/20
Strengthening the sovereign food supply corridors: regional networking, training, and equipment strategies Argentina Concluded 01/07/22 - 31/12/23

Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC)

Title Countries Status Category Link
C19 Emergency Response Palestine Concluded 01/05/20 - 31/12/20

Watershed Support Services and Activities Network (WASSAN)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Mainstreaming Natural Farming across India India Concluded 01/07/22 - 31/12/23
Participatory Action Research for Strengthening and Scaling Agroecological Transitions India Ongoing 15/10/24 - 15/02/26
Scaling of Bio Input Resource Centres and strengthening their ecosystem in India India Ongoing 01/02/25 - 31/01/26

World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP)

Title Countries Status Category Link
WFFP: strengthening the global movement in the struggle for food sovereignty Global Concluded 01/06/23 - 31/12/24

World March of Women (WMW)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Unite for Feminist Economies, Demilitarize for Peace, Claim Autonomy Over Our Bodies and Territories Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Western Sahara, Turkey Ongoing 15/01/25 - 30/11/25

Xilotl Asociación para el Desarrollo Social A.C.

Title Countries Status Category Link
Mainstreaming Agroecology as a strategy for Food Sovereignty in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba Concluded 01/11/21 - 30/06/23
Biocultural Alliance for Strengthening Agroecology in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Cuba Ongoing 01/07/23 - 31/01/25
Resilient Tlaxcala: Agroecology and Participatory Action Research in Defense of Native Maize for the Transformation of the Food System Mexico Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/26

Zambia Alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity (ZAAB)

Title Countries Status Category Link
TWEENDE: Towards Sustainable Food Systems Through Agroecology Zambia Ongoing 01/03/25 - 31/08/26

Zan va Zamin (Women and Earth)

Title Countries Status Category Link
Agroecological initiatives and advancing agrobiodiversity seed systems based on community in Tajikistan Tajikistan Ongoing 01/01/25 - 31/12/25